Waterfront Users
As a user of waterfront land, what are my rights and responsibilities?
Your rights to use that private land are limited to fishing, fowling, hunting and taking of oysters and other shellfish, a colonial ordinance that to this day allows people to use private intertidal areas for one of these three purposes.
In Virginia, waterfront land is owned to the mean low tide by the property owner. However, when the tide returns, the water is public.
How can I gain or secure access to private waterfront land?
Acquire the land, or partial rights to the land. Learn more.
Enter into private agreement with landowners. Learn More.
How can waterfront users increase public access to the shore, either from land or sea?
Become involved in the local, regional and state planning process. Learn more.
How can waterfront users enhance access infrastructure such as parking, piers, moorings, docks and slips?
Become involved in the local, regional and state planning process. Learn more.