Business Opportunities

Middle Peninsula Chesapeake Bay Public Access Authority Eco-Tourism Program: Call for Applications

The Middle Peninsula Chesapeake Bay Public Access Authority (MPCBPAA) is looking to partner with eco-business entrepreneurs to create eco-tourism businesses that could utilize MPCBPAA properties/infrastructure and generate eco-tourism destinations within the Middle Peninsula. Since 2006, the MPCBPAA has acquired over 1000+ acres of public waterfront land and support facilities across the Middle Peninsula that collectively provide high quality public water access and help to conserve a diverse array of species, ecosystems, and landscapes.

The MPCBPAA Eco-Tourism Program is requesting applications from private entrepreneurs to share their eco-tourism business ideas who desire to establish businesses on MPCBPAA properties. MPCBPAA has developed an eco-tourism program and associated documents to provide guidance to those interested in participating. Below are program documents that should be reviewed prior to the completion of an application.

Responders should review the Eco-Business Framework for a listing and description of PAA lands, buildings and other infrastructure available for possible eco-business use.

Eco-Business Application:

Provides specific information about your business and your project idea(s). Applications will be accepted on an annual rolling basis.

The below outlines this process:

Application Period 1: January 1st through March 31st

One week staff review
MPCBPAA Board will review applications at their April Meeting. Notification of shortlisted proponents occur by April 31st
Application Period 2: May 1st through July 31st

One week staff review
MPCBPAA Board will review applications at their August Meeting. Notification of shortlisted proponents occur by Aug. 31st
Application Period 2: September 1st through Nov. 31st

One week staff review
MPCBPAA Board will review applications at their December Meeting. Notification of shortlisted proponents occur by December 31st (or last day of year before holidays)

Eco-Business Tender Guidelines:

Reviews the process that MPCBPAA will follow to accept and review applications. All applicants should read this document as it lays out the application evaluation criteria, deadlines, and conditions for applying to the MPCBPAA Eco-Tourism Program.

Eco-Business Framework:

Reviews the assessment and approval process for proposals. This document includes a description of all MPCBPAA properties that could be available to eco-tourism businesses. This document also reviews the seven principles that will guide the consideration of ecotourism facilities on MPCBPAA public lands.

Eco-Business Best Practices:

Includes case studies of best practices implemented in ecotourism facilities from Australia and overseas.

Eco-Business Probity Guidelines:

Ensures the MPCBPAA is committed to a procurement process for applications that is carried out in accordance with ethics, probity and accountability.


If you have questions regarding the information above, please contact MPCBPAA staff:

Lewie Lawrence

Jackie Rickards

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